Monday 3 October 2011

Plate Boundaries

Plate Boundaries
  • is where plates meet and these plate boundaries are of 3 types convergent, divergent, conservative
  • They have tectonic activities and are unstable.
  • Found on the edge of the lithospheric plates
What do I notice? :-
  • The northern american plate is the biggest
  • The juan de fuca pleate is the smallest
  • They don’t move in the same direction
  • Lots of subducting plates - ocean and continental plates collide
  • Different plates are in different continents and are named after them
  • Some plates consist of trenches
  • Some plates have ridges
Plate boundary map:-
Key - red lines are where the plates meet.
Key words:-
lithosphere - The solid outer part of the earth.
convergent - come together(destructive)
divergent - opposite of convergent(constructive)
conservative - transform

Locating Boundaries...

Name a place on earth where 2 plates are converging...
- Mount Everest, the tallest peak in the world.

Name a place where 2 plates are diverging...
- The Mid-Atlantic ridge and on land Lake Baikal in Siberia.

Name a place where 2 plates are sliding against each other...
- The San Andreas fault in North America.

Websites -

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